“Onizuka, a former motorcycle gang member turned high-school teacher is assigned to a private academy full of troubled students. The issue at this high school revolves around an exposé-style influencer who has nearly 2 million followers who specializes in exposing and spreading rumors, causing controversies and uproar, regardless of whether the individuals involved are celebrities or ordinary people.
Several teachers and students from the academy have been exposed so far, and due to being targeted so frequently, there are rumors circulating within the school that there might be a culprit impersonating the influencer. As a result, students live their school lives while constantly observing each other’s expressions, becoming increasingly suspicious and paranoid.”
DVD Details
Disc Quantity : | 1 Discs |
Episodes : | TV Series, 1 Episode |
Version@Language : | Japanese |
Subtitles : | English / Chinese |
Format & Region : | DVD9 / NTSC & All region code ( 16: 9 ) |
Duration : | Approx. 108 Minutes Per Episodes |
Genres : | Youth, Drama |
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