“The story follows Lee Tang, an ordinary college student, who gets into an argument with a customer during a part-time job at a convenience store at night, unconsciously swings a hammer, and kills him. Suffering from guilt and fear of murder, Lee Tang learns one day that the person he killed was a serial killer and slowly realizes that he has a supernatural ability to identify “”bad seeds””. He soon becomes a dark hero who punishes people who committed unethical evils in the past.
A cold-blooded, charismatic and persistent detective starts to chase Lee Tang.”
DVD Details
Disc Quantity : | 2 Discs |
Episodes : | TV Series, 1-8 Episodes |
Version@Language : | Korean / English / Japanese |
Subtitles : | English / Chinese |
Format & Region : | DVD9 / NTSC & All region code ( 16: 9 ) |
Duration : | Approx. 54 Minutes Per Episodes |
Genres : | Thriller, Mystery, Psychological, Comedy |
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