“At school, the aloof high school student, Touka Mimori, is summoned to another world as a hero along with his classmates. While the goddess Vicious identifies his classmates one after another with S-rank and A-rank abilities, Touka is declared to be the lowest rank, E-rank, and marked for “disposal.” Abandoned in ruins with a zero survival rate, Touka, dismissed as a failure, attempts to escape using his “abnormal status skills.” From that day on, harboring flames of revenge against the goddess Vysis, Touka abandons his harmless human persona and reveals the true nature hidden deep within his heart…
“Shall we begin the struggle for survival?””
DVD Details
Disc Quantity : | 2 Discs |
Episodes : | 1-12 Episodes |
Version@Language : | Japanese |
Subtitles : | English / Chinese |
Format & Region : | DVD9 / NTSC & All region code ( 16: 9 ) |
Duration : | Approx. 300 Minutes |
Genres : | Action, Adventure, Fantasy |
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- We are 100% committed to ensuring our customers are satisfied with their purchase. Any product found to be faulty, We will issue new replacement discs.
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